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around the world.

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Movies and stories about

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tekent teksten Tel Tel352 tel39-0431 telefoneert telefonisch telefoon telefooncel telefoongesprek
telefoonnummer telefoontje telefoonwinkel telegraaf telkens tellen teller telt tempel tempels
temperaturen temperatuur Temple tempo ten Tenda TendeTenda Tennant-Creek Tennisplatze tension tent
tenten tentendorpen tentje tentjes Ter terasje terecht termaalbad termen termietenheuvels terms
terras terrasje terrasjes terrein territory terug terugkomen terugkomst terugreis terugrijden
terugrit teruguit terugvlucht terugweg terwijl test testen testosterongehalte Tet Teun teveel teven
tevens tevergeefs tevoorschijn textielmarkt TH Thailand thais Thai s Thaise Thamel than Thani that
The the thee theehuis theestandje their Then Theo there therefore thermaal thermaalbad
thermaalbad-28 thermaalbad-36 thermaalbaden Thermalbade- Thermen these They thick thing this Thistle
149 Sella pass and Sassolungo

Italy Dolomites Bozen Gardena
North side (Wolkenstein/p.Gardena)
First glimpse of Langkofel(3,181m)
Langkofel a.k.a. Sassolungo
Science fiction cable car to top
Restaurant and hut at 2.685mtr
Last 2 km to actually Sella top
Top 2244m, border Bozen-Trento

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A message in our guestbook(Response) is much appreciated.

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